SHOW: Flatware 08
Title: Flatware. General: This Sterling Silver spoon is one piece forging. Material: Sterling Silver. Gem: Method: Forged. Finish: Polished. Mechanics: Designer: Walraven van Heeckeren. Craftsman: Walraven van Heeckeren. Price: AUS $ 300.00.
STERLING SILVER is a binary Silver alloy consisting of: 925 parts/1000 Pure Silver and 75 parts/1000 Pure Copper. Annealing temperature: 750 degrees Celsius. Melting Temperature: 950 degrees Celsius. Wal.
FORGING is a method of deforming metal with a hammer on an anvil. In the case of Sterling Silver and the Karat Golds, this must be done COLD! If a hot forging is attempted the precious metals will just crumble. In their PURE form Silver and Gold will allow HOT forging, but there is no benefit to be gained. Wal.